How do you keep your construction costs down while delivering a top-quality building that serves its occupants over the long haul? How will you find and secure available incentives? And how do you ensure that high-performing design elements actually get incorporated and installed correctly in the construction phase?
We draw upon our extensive on-the-ground experience with new developments and existing buildings to deliver custom solutions for each new construction project that will work in the real world, not just on paper. The result: an efficient, sustainable, healthy, and durable building. Bright Power enhances building performance, delivers superior resident comfort and health, mitigates carbon emissions and environmental impact, and minimizes construction and long-term operating costs.
How we do it: We FIND energy and water waste using utility analytics. We FIX buildings to perform optimally via comprehensive on-site audits, commissioning and project consulting, streamlining the process so you can realize savings sooner. And we FOLLOW the data to ensure every project achieves—and continues to achieve—its financial and sustainability targets.