Bright Power at Northeast Photovoltaic Roundtable


Andrew McNamara, our VP of Renewable and New Construction, will attend this second invitation-only roundtable.

Northeast Photovoltaic Roundtable (April 2, 2012)

(CNSE’s Albany Nanotech Complex)

This round-table is a follow up to the previous March 1 event, to raise awareness of the role of PV in the Northeast U.S. and to obtain views and insights of key stakeholders, the College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering (CNSE), the New York Solar Energy Society, the Business Council of NYS, the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium, and New Energy New York and its partners. The group will dig deeper to provide insight and create recommendations for the high priority areas/issues that were highlighted in the Policy and Challenges discussion sections from the earlier meeting.

Link to March’s Roundtable