Bright Power Enhances Engineering Services with Addition of Bernardo Borges, PE


Bright Power is pleased to announce that Bernardo Borges, PE, has joined the Engineering division as the Director of Design & Implementation.  Borges adds more than a decade of experience designing energy efficient systems to Bright Power’s expert team of building specialists.

Borges comes to Bright Power, from his previous position at Steven Winter Associates, with an extensive background in the high-performance building industry.  His diverse array of technical skills ranges from energy audits to enhanced commissioning, energy modeling to feasibility studies, and mechanical system design to project implementation.

Bright Power, NYC
Bright Power, NYC

“Bernardo’s technical skills and leadership ability strengthen the capacities of our Engineering team to deliver a complete energy management solution to our clients,” said Bright Power’s CEO, Jeff Perlman.  “From early-stage feasibility analysis and diagnostic testing to detailed engineering design work and construction management, Bright Power is your one-stop energy management partner.”

Borges is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of New York, a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), and a Certified Building Commissioning Professional (CBCP). He received a bachelor of science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Fairfield University in Connecticut.