Brookings Institute features Bright Power and SAHF


A December report from the Brookings Institute, Scaling the Nationwide Energy Retrofit of Affordable Multifamily Housing, (PDF) by Lori Bamberger, features Bright Power’s work for SAHF (Stewards for Affordable Housing for the Future.)

“With a membership that owns and operates over 80,000 units of HUD and LIHTC‐assisted affordable multifamily housing in all 50 states, and with a combined operating budget of over $400 million, the Stewards for Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF) leverages its large portfolio to gather the data to inform energy retrofit tools and decisions.SAHF’s groundbreaking data initiative now encompasses 630 developments, using current and historical data. SAHF has partnered with Bright Power, an engineering and software development firm tailoring data products and systems to the affordable multifamily housing. The tools Bright Power and others in this nascent software/tracking industry are developing help understand at least: (a) utility bill analysis; (b) consumption and usage; (c) potential savings (predictions); and (d) actual savings achieved through enhanced property management and efficiency measures.” (p.32)