Finding ways to add value to your properties while empowering site staff to solve daily operational problems can be overwhelming. It is easy to give in to frustration, and de-prioritize sustainability efforts when faced with inexperienced contractors, project delays, unforeseen budget increases, and a volatile energy market.
But it does not have to be that way. Bright Power can unlock new value for your properties by managing energy and water across your portfolio. With our Find, Fix, and Follow approach and on-the-ground experience, we minimize headaches for you so that you can focus on your core business.
How we do it: We Find energy and water waste using utility analytics. We Fix buildings to perform optimally via turnkey design-build energy project implementation process, streamlining the process so you can realize savings sooner. And we Follow the data to ensure every project achieves—and continues to achieve—its financial and sustainability targets.
Whatever your goals—improve net operating income, establish budget certainty, improve tenant health and comfort, secure competitive green financing, be a sustainable real estate leader, and/or generate power on-site—we have all the tools to help.