News & Reports
News & Reports
Power for the People
“Power for the People” Jeffrey Perlman (Animal New York, ATLANTIS Issue, Summer 2003) Read article: Perlman-AnimalNewYorkATLANTIS.pdfREAD MORE
Greening A Block Feasibility Study
A proposal to take a whole city block and transform every building on it into a green, energy-efficient version of itself. Read the ReportREAD MORE
National Review of Green Schools: Costs, Benefits, and Implications for Massachusetts
Report for the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, reviewing the costs and benefits of green schools. These benefits include: energy savings, emissions reductions, water and wastewater reductions, increased earnings potential for students, […]READ MORE
Analysis of PV System Performance Versus Modeled Expectations Across a Set of Identical PV Systems
A study analyzing the outputs of various solar PV arrays in the real world versus their expected outputs. Read the ReportREAD MORE
The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings
A report to over 40 California state agencies demonstrating the conclusive findings that building green is a worthwhile investment. Read the ReportREAD MORE